Mayor Fisona Advises Council That Current Economic Situation Will Prevent Funding for Train Station

Mayor Joseph Fisona has been working to bring passenger train service back to the Elkton Depot for several years.  The initiative to provide commuter service at the station that last served passengers in 1981 is tied to revitalization of the central business district and to transportation needs of the region.  At the January 21, 2009, town meeting Mayor Fisona stated that he received a letter from U.S. Senator Benjamin Cardin “regarding the mayor’s request for funding assistance for upgrades” to the station. “  Sen.Cardin replied that the current economic situation prevented funding for the train station, but the project might be included in long range plans.

2 responses to “Mayor Fisona Advises Council That Current Economic Situation Will Prevent Funding for Train Station

  1. Mayor Fisona was unable to get train service change into the long range plan while we were enjoying prosperous times, and celebrating the area’s big win in the BRAC changes. It appears that he is unable to bring respect to Elkton, even while his fellow Democrats enjoy almost absolute power in both the Maryland legislature and the federal government. Well, he did make lots of speedbumps while tripling your water/sewer bill.

  2. Mayor fisona hasn’t been able to complete many things other than a overpriced waste water treatment plant . AS far as for the train we probably dodged a bullet because the train would have brought as many criminals as new workers to elkton!

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